Kaip pasiruošti fotosesijai? Fotografo patarimai. Ar žinojote, kad Prancūzijoje nuo 2017 metų yra privaloma žymėti retušuotas nuotraukas? Tačiau tobuloms fotosesijos nuotraukoms nebūtinas retušavimas – visų pirma reikia tinkamai pasiruošti. Ruošiantis asmeninei fotosesijai, rekomenduojame atkreipti dėmesį į penkias pagrindines sritis: veidą, plaukus, rankas, odą ir rūbus. Todėl svarbu pradėti ruoštis bent savaitę prieš fotosesiją, apgalvoti 2-3 […]
Wedding trends in 2023
Wedding trends in 2023 - What trends prevail during the wedding season? It's hard to believe that 2023 isn't far away! A new year will begin in less than a few short months. If you are currently planning your wedding for 2023, you may be wondering what the trends will be. Here are some ideas to get you started! Fototak advises - what will be fashionable? […]
Weddings in 2022: tips on where to start wedding planning
Weddings in 2022: tips, where to start? You can find our tips in this article. "Will you marry me?" - this is the question of many girls' dreams. From this question begins the planning of the big celebration, which can create a lot of uncertainty, take up a lot of time, and especially if the wedding will take place in 2022, when the new year is already on the nose, it is very important to plan the time and [...]