Wedding dates

Wedding in 2019: date, color and place

Wedding in 2019

Weddings in 2019 are already approaching, young people are choosing dates, colors, locations, so even when everyone starts planning the wedding, their heads are spinning with plans and ideas. However, the burden of problems and affairs before such a celebration is understood only after "tasting" the real flavor of wedding planning. Therefore, so that the wedding does not turn into chaos - organize the most beautiful celebration of your life at least a year in advance. As 2018 is already half over, […]

Weddings 2018: which month to get married?

Wedding 2018

Weddings 2018: which month to get married? Although 2017 is only halfway through, a professional photographer in Vilnius and throughout Lithuania offers to read useful information for those planning to celebrate a wedding in 2018. According to the Chinese horoscope, this is the year of the dog. Therefore, this text contains excellent recommendations and advice on what month and why it is better to choose for marriage. January - a more favorable time will be the first two months [...]

Having trouble choosing a wedding date for 2017?

Wedding date

We can also choose a wedding date on holidays! Although only almost two months have passed in 2017, the year of the colored rooster, couples planning to organize their wedding this year are already thinking and deciding which wedding date and day would be the best to choose for this celebration. There are several ways to choose the date of the wedding celebration. The first way to choose after reading and analyzing […]