A wide range of quality services at an attractive price.

We deliver edited, corrected photos and edited videos. The material is of high quality, can be used for print, website and other commerce. All material visible at www.fototakas.lt is provided as examples of work.

- Wedding
- Christening
- Personal photo sessions
- Commercial photo sessions
- Things
- Production premises
- Home
- The plot
- Monitoring of forests
- Hotels
- Events
- Presentation video
- Landscape (photo / video)
- Inspection of roofs, chimneys, bridges
- Rural tourism (photo / video)
- Real estate (exterior, interior)

- Are you looking for a photographer or videographer for your wedding celebration? We will present the moments of your celebration according to your wishes by filming and photographing.
- Do you want to create a presentation video or presentation photo session for yourself? We can do it properly and with quality.
- If you are buying an apartment on the top floor or a detached house, but you are not sure about the condition of the roof of the building? Contact us, we will take pictures from the air, and if necessary, we will also film the roof of your choice.
- Maybe you are selling or renting a plot, house or premises? Present it clearly, beautifully and maximally attractively, save your time when showing objects, show everything in photos or video material, this will help you sell or rent.
- Are you engaged in rural tourism? I will see the most beautiful places of your homestead and capture them properly. If you wish, we will create a video representing your activity according to your needs.
- You are organizing an event and want to show its size, beauty, and the area where the event and all the action takes place. Our drone services will be perfect for this.
- Are you creating a website or Facebook page and do you need picturesque landscapes of Lithuania or a specific city? Contact us, we have what you need.