There are no rules for good photos, only good photos. Ansel Adams
A passion for photography and filming often strikes unexpectedly. Even as children, many of us captured moments with our eyes and tried to remember them as long as possible. Later, a technique appeared that helps preserve not only a place, an action or objects, but also an emotion and a feeling. This is exactly what our work is. After all, photography and filming is not just about clicking a button, it's about expressing yourself with photos and video material. The eyes of the photographer or video operator and the model meet in one frame. Only by working together can you create something that breathes, breathes and speaks and gives you the charm of viewing the presented material.
What could be better than one photographer or video operator who captures the moments of your celebration? After all, two photographers or video operators who, working together, cooperating, learning and searching, will always provide a better result than one specialist.
Our job is to capture the most beautiful moments of your life! The most festive wedding photo session, the most beautiful moments of christenings, the most cheerful photo sessions and videos, hen parties, bachelor parties, photography of things, events, various family celebrations and the simplest everyday moments... Every second, every smile and even every tear must be captured!
After all, two photographers or video operators are always better than one! While one focuses on details, the other captures the general environment. While one takes photos more softly, the other takes sharper photos. Also, when working together, they will constantly try to outdo each other, so the client will get the most beautiful photographs. Finally, they won't miss a single detail when working together.
We provide photography and filming services throughout Lithuania. It doesn't matter if it's raining outside or the sun is shining brightly - you'll always be able to find the perfect compromise that can satisfy even the most demanding customer needs. After all, every person is an artist with his own opinion and attitude towards the surrounding world.
All emotions can turn into a story. You just need to be able to convey them.
*** Information that will help you understand the specifics of our work more easily:
- We never send unretouched photos. You will get ONLY a QUALITY result.
- We film and take photos with professional equipment.
- For those who do not have ideas - we always offer. Let's communicate, that's the only way to find the best option.
- Want to meet? please
- Financial aspects never have limits. Let's find an option that suits both parties!
Do you think that your idea will be difficult to implement? Try us out!