Wedding planning

Wedding photographer tips for newlyweds

Tips from the photographer

Wedding photographer's advice for newlyweds A photographer is an inevitable participant in a wedding celebration, without a photographer there would be no memories of your celebration. Therefore, this time, professional wedding photographers and videographers want to share tips that are relevant to wedding planners. So, if you will be celebrating your wedding in the near future or know someone who would benefit from this information, please share it. Professional photographer and video operator […]

Wedding 2019 - a professional wedding photographer and video operator offers wedding planners

Wedding 2019

Wedding 2019 - a professional wedding photographer and video operator offers a calendar of perfect shots for those planning a wedding in 2019 to think about the months and dates to choose, taking into account auspicious days and numbers that bring success to your most beautiful celebration of the year. Wedding 2019 is the year of the pig according to the Chinese horoscope. So a piggy bank will be the best gift ever, just like a gift in an envelope - [...]